
We're the Office of Learning Innovation (OLI) at LIM College. Our team includes:

  • Deepa Rao-Sisario (Director)
  • Chu Cheung (Instructional Designer)

We also work with five OLI Faculty Liaisons:

  • Leonora Loeb (Visual Studies)
  • Christina Neubrand (Arts and Sciences)
  • TBD (Business)
  • Phyllis Shapiro (Marcuse School of Graduate Studies)
  • Dr. Mary Wagner (Fashion Merchandising and Marketing)


We support faculty in providing the best experiences for their students. Feel free to reach out to the OLI for 1:1 support with course and assessment design and technology training.

Online Course Development

We work with Academic Departments to build pedagogically sound and engaging online courses.

Workshops & Training

We also offer pedagogical workshops  and technology training for all new and returning faculty to help improve or hone teaching and technology skills.

Our Team

Chu Cheung Profile

Chu Cheung

Instructional Designer
Deepa Rao-Sisario Profile

Deepa Rao-Sisario

Director, Office of Learning Innovation